We appreciate all of you that joined our celebration of the richness of diversity.
Recorded presentations will be posted on our YouTube channel in late July (we are working on it now).
We have sent certificates via email. Please check your SPAM box and let us know if you are having trouble finding yours.
We sent emails to awarded poster presenters with certificates and instructions on how to collect their gifts. Please let us know if you have any questions.
The final version of the book of abstracts is available since June 30 (see button below).

The SBE meeting 2021's primary purpose was to reach people who usually have economic restrictions to attend most of the scientific meetings on different areas within evolutionary biology.
The event took place on June 19-23, 2021, via Zoom sessions. The official time zone was UTC-4. The language of the talks was eligible by the speakers (from English, Spanish or Portuguese). But slides/presentations and multimedia were in English.
The event was divided into different symposia covering a wide variety of disciplines. Each symposium had one invited keynote speaker and some invited talks (with one exception, see Calendar). We provided attendees with individual links to all talks, that we hosted using Zoom.
In 2021, we had 2,002 unique emails registered to the event, from over 400 different institutions across the world.

Sponsors, Supporters, and Collaborators
The SBE Meeting 2021 is made possible thanks to our sponsors. They allow us to host our webinars free of charge and also present awards to our best posters.
Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA), Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA), BIO+, and Transmitting Science are offering gifts to some of our best porter presentations.
We thank UNC Charlotte for making the webinars on Zoom possible without costs for the participant
Get in Touch
We hope you're able to attend. If you have questions about the free registration process, our schedule, or general information, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Other Past Events
From July 28 to July 30, 2020, we hosted the I Meeting of Systematics, Biogeography, and Evolution (SBE). The theme for the first meeting was "A Joint Effort in the Coronavirtual Era." In 2020, the first meeting of SBE had over 1,200 attendees (52% female participants, 47% male, 1% other) from 38 countries.

SBE meeting 2020
July 29-30, 2020
Organizing Committee
The SBE meeting was coordinated by 18 Latinxs scientists (8 female, 10 male) of four nationalities (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru) and 17 institutions across South America, North America, and Europe. The organizing committee supported and promoted the active and equitable participation of all genders in this meeting.
Lara Inés Baccaro
Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas/INECOA-CONICET (Argentina)
Sofía Terán Sánchez
Universidad de Caldas (Colombia)
Yeison Vega-G
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)