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About Us

Come celebrate the richness of variety!

The I Meeting of Systematics, Biogeography, and Evolution (SBE) occurred from July 28 to July 30, 2020. The theme of the first meeting was A Joint Effort in the Coronavirtual Era (click here).


The event will have a second edition from June 19 to 23, 2021. Our theme this year will be The Research of Biodiversity and the Diversity of Researchers. Our primary purposes, however, remain the same.

First, we will provide a high-quality international scientific meeting on systematics, biogeography, and evolution.

Second, we will make the event accessible to people that could have difficulty attending other international scientific events due to financial constraints or the COVID-19 pandemic.

Third, we will promote diversity and gender equality in science, technology, agronomy, mathematics, and medicine (STEAMM).

About: About
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